AC Installation Challenges That Underscore The Need For Professional Installers


Air conditioning (AC) installation may look easy, but only for skilled and experienced professionals. DIY installation can lead to several mistakes that can interfere with cooling and energy efficiency, among other problems. Below are examples of installation challenges that DIY installers face but professionals understand.


An AC's size matters in three main ways. For example:

  • The size determines whether the AC can keep your house cool.
  • The size determines how much electricity the AC uses to cool your house.
  • The size determines whether the AC has to strain to cool your house.

AC sizing is a technical process that requires good HVAC understanding. The local climate, house size, layout, building materials, number of rooms, and ceiling height all determine AC sizing. Let a professional AC installer handle all these for you.


The AC functions as a unit but comprises different parts that need to be at different parts of the house. Correct placement of these parts matters, and a DIY installer can easily make a mistake. For example:

  • The indoor and outdoor units should not be too far apart; otherwise, the refrigerant pipes will be long, leading to low refrigerant pressure and impairing AC functioning.
  • Placing a thermostat near cold drafts leads to incorrect temperature readings that might leave your house warmer than it should be.
  • Placing the outdoor unit near the wall or fence interferes with air circulation and impairs heat exchange.

The AC installer understands the exact clearances and placement parameters for all AC parts that lead to efficient cooling.

Electrical Connections

Incorrect AC wiring is a danger to your household; it can lead to electrical shorts and shocks. Incorrect wiring can also damage the AC. First, you must ensure your house's electrical service can accommodate the AC's electrical demands. Secondly, you must ensure all the connections, such as control and power, are correct and tight.

Refrigerant Pressure

The AC refrigerant pressure refers to the amount of gas within the AC system at any time. The refrigerant pressure determines how much heat the system can absorb, the heat exchange efficiency, and the risk of refrigerant leakage. AC contractors understand the correct refrigerant charges and have the charging equipment and pressure gauges for correct refrigerant charging.


AC installation involves connecting different parts, cables, and tubes. Under-tightening the connections can lead to problems. For example, loose electrical connections can lead to electrical arcing. Over-tightening connections are also bad; for example, over-tightened refrigerant lines increase the risk of leakage. A professional installer will tighten the connections just right. 

For more info about AC installation, contact a local company. 


31 May 2023

cleaning the air in your home

The quality of the air in your home is something that you should keep in mind every day. If the air that you breathe each day is filled with impurities, it can cause you to get sick more often and complicate matters if anyone in your home suffers from asthma or allergies. This blog is all about purifying the air in your home. You will learn everything about filtration systems and filters for your heating system to what you can do around the home to keep the air as clean as possible and create a healthy living space for your family.