Six Faulty Assumptions That Are Sometimes Made About Water Softeners


If you have hard water in your home, it's important to invest in a water softener. Don't be discouraged from investing in a water softener because of misinformation. The following are six faulty assumptions you should be aware of that are sometimes made about water softeners. 

A water softener removes important nutrients from the water

Homeowners shouldn't assume that removing minerals from their water will make it so that they miss out on important nutrients. It's important to realize that the minerals in hard water don't provide significant nutritional benefits. The body absorbs and uses minerals like iron, calcium, and manganese much more effectively when they are consumed in food instead of drinking hard water. This means that drinking hard water doesn't benefit one's health. 

Water softeners are only necessary for homes in rural areas

Some people think that hard water is only a problem for homeowners who are located in rural areas and rely on well water. However, municipal water can be hard water just like well water can be. This means that a water softener can benefit you significantly even if you live in an urban or suburban area and use municipal water. 

Water softeners cost a lot of money

Although it's true that a water softener will require an upfront investment, water softeners can also provide savings to households over the long term. Water softeners can save households money by keeping plumbing fixtures in better shape over time and reducing the costs of cleaning supplies. These savings can pay for the initial costs of water softener installation as time goes on. 

Water softeners put salt into the water to soften it

There is a common misunderstanding that water softeners must put salt or sodium into the water in order to remove the minerals that cause hard water. However, this is not true. Although sodium chloride is typically used in the backwash cycle of a water softener, this substance is not left in the water after the water softening process. Any remaining sodium is left on the resin beads of the water softener and not in the water itself. 

Water softeners remove all contaminants from water

Although water softeners can be effective at removing minerals that cause hard water, water softeners do not remove all contaminants. If you want to remove bacterial, viral, and certain chemical contaminants, you need to invest in a water filtration system. 

Having a water softener installed significantly pushes up a household's utility costs

One of the many great things about having a water softener is that water softeners do not usually push up a household's utility costs very significantly. In fact, some water softeners don't consume any electricity at all. 

Contact a local service provider, such as Duvall Plumbing Heating and Cooling, to learn more. 


9 May 2023

cleaning the air in your home

The quality of the air in your home is something that you should keep in mind every day. If the air that you breathe each day is filled with impurities, it can cause you to get sick more often and complicate matters if anyone in your home suffers from asthma or allergies. This blog is all about purifying the air in your home. You will learn everything about filtration systems and filters for your heating system to what you can do around the home to keep the air as clean as possible and create a healthy living space for your family.