Home Energy Audits: The Secret to Saving Money on Utility Bills


A home energy audit is conducted to assess the energy loss in homes. A comprehensive energy audit can identify the sources of the most significant leaks, which is particularly useful where a large number of these mechanisms are present in a home or building. The most obvious reason for conducting an audit is to verify the extent of energy losses and their coming. The following home energy audit information will help you unlock the secrets to cutting your energy costs:

Auditing the Efficiency of Mechanical Systems

Are you living in a home that's costing you more on utility bills than it should? Is your A/C or furnace in proper working order? Are you using your water heater efficiently? A mechanical systems audit will assess the condition of your mechanical equipment and determine whether repairs or upgrades are needed to improve efficiency. Sometimes, the only things mechanical systems need to work efficiently are a little maintenance and minor repairs.

Evaluating the Insulation

Home energy audits are a non-invasive way to gain an understanding of how well your home is insulated and how to reduce potential energy loss. Many people believe that homes are well insulated, but the truth is many homes have inadequate insulation or none at all. This can be easily cured by adding insulation to those areas of the house that need it most. An audit will evaluate the insulation in areas like the attic and exterior walls to determine if they need to be improved. It will also include areas like foundations and unfinished areas like basements.

Dealing with Air Leaks

There are hundreds of holes in your home that are easily overlooked but could be causing you to spend more on energy. Starting with the most obvious of homes' openings are the windows. Air leaks around window frames are common because homes are not air-tight. Windows can also fail to seal against the sill or even work loose over time due to settling or poor installation. Therefore, all the window and door openings need to be tested for air leaks to determine if they need repairs to stop the energy loss.

Addressing Other Issues That Cause Energy Loss 

Many other issues cause energy loss, such as open fireplaces, outdated appliances, and other problems that make homes inefficient. You can work with an energy audit professional to pinpoint the exact issues you have so you can take steps to improve your home. You might want to have the fireplace repaired or upgrade the appliances in your home to deal with these other areas that are a major cause of energy loss and inefficiency.

An energy audit is a good investment in your home's energy efficiency to keep utility costs down. Contact a home energy audit service to find out where your home is losing energy and what you can do about it.


20 September 2021

cleaning the air in your home

The quality of the air in your home is something that you should keep in mind every day. If the air that you breathe each day is filled with impurities, it can cause you to get sick more often and complicate matters if anyone in your home suffers from asthma or allergies. This blog is all about purifying the air in your home. You will learn everything about filtration systems and filters for your heating system to what you can do around the home to keep the air as clean as possible and create a healthy living space for your family.